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Bold Visions Conservation's Howls, Growls, and More!


By Stephen Capra, Bold Visions Conservation

Suppose you have wondered why I have been relatively quiet the last few weeks. In that case, it is because what occurred with Cody Roberts left even my hardened self feeling broken in my years of conservation work. Like many of you, my love of wolves has been unquestioned; it has also been a key component of my career in conservation.


The image of that yearling wolf still haunts me; looking into the face of that monster leaves me filled with rage. That wolf paid an unimaginable price, the torture, the fear, the level to which this subhuman took it; I felt her pain and suffering to my core. How, as a society, have we sunk to a level that allows people the right to torture wildlife? Why is rural western America so enraged with wolves? Perhaps some of the answers can be seen in a conversation I had over 40 years ago. I was speaking about the Arctic Refuge in the eighties in Arkansas, and the Sierra Club member I stayed with said to me, "Steve, try not to let your New York accent show; people here hate Yankees. I said the Civil War ended many years ago, he responded, not here".


So it goes in the rural West, where people seem to never let go of the fact that an animal that many of their grandparents eliminated is once again free to roam. The hate is far greater than I think many of us want to believe. The efforts to work with many of the ranchers across the West have largely failed. Cody Roberts, in a span of 24 hours, inflicted on this wolf the rage that these people feel when something does not stay the same in their sad lives. Never mind, what an animal so beautiful and free could teach them about family, laughter, and working together for a common cause. Yet, in these outposts of the wild, such thinking goes against their desire to exploit not just wildlife but also the wildlands that are critical to the survival of so many species. Hunting relieves the boredom.


It is here that we find so many off-road vehicles and snowmobiles. We see people hunt after filling many freezers, and poaching is just part of a lifestyle. It is tiring that people who seem to want to exploit the land have so much power with wildlife agencies, Forest Service lands, and BLM.

It is clear that what happened several weeks ago can never happen again. Cody Roberts, it turns out, has ties to the Wyoming Game and Fish; he trucks under their contract, which they must sever. The bar that allowed the torture made clear we will do whatever we want, meaning wildlife is free to be tortured. Yesterday, Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota, jumped into the fray by writing in her new book how she hated a 14-month-old hunting dog she had; rather than working with a trainer, she shot and killed it, along with a goat she thought was disgusting. Not only did she do it, but she bragged about it, I guess, to show she is tough. Let's be clear: she is very sick.


We are witnessing a time where people feel emboldened to destroy that which is wild, to post images online to film their torture of wildlife. Several things are clear from this; sportsmen and many of the groups they support are encouraging slob hunting and allowing the idea of ethics to be dissolved. Wildlife agencies in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming are being controlled by Commissioners who live to kill wildlife that hate wolves and most predators. Many are members of the Safari Club and other trophy-hunting groups or ranchers. We need a Governor with courage enough to dissolve this approach and rebuild the agency with wildlife and conservation of all species in mind, not wanton destruction and trapping. Not catering to trophy hunters and trappers.


Colleges, for their part, continue to teach students to collaborate with those in industry, wildlife agencies, and ranchers. However, the cost of education, limited job opportunities, and the cost of living are causing a new generation to lose the desire to fight.


This beautiful animal cannot die in vain to a monster with a drinking problem. Cody Roberts must be jailed for as long as possible, and the Wyoming Game and Fish must stop trying to protect him. We are promoting a boycott of the state and working to be part of a new lawsuit against Wyoming Game and Fish. Most importantly, we are working to protect a 1.6 million slice of wildlands north and West of Yellowstone that would work to protect wolves and grizzlies and stop the horror of trapping. It will be a Monument for wildlife.

So, while my heart remains broken for that dear yearling, it is clear we must change hearts and minds in rural America. It may not just be with talk or education; it will require actual law enforcement, harsh penalties, and jail time for those who see wildlife as a thrill to harm and begin to get them to realize that killing a wolf costs five bucks, but having a business to view wildlife can give them a sustainable job and the critical ability to live with yourself as a caring person to the very wildlife that needs our voice to survive.


We need wolves across the West, and we need them to thrive! Wyoming will look to delay and obfuscate; we will never stop being a voice for that precious wolf. We do not deserve broken hearts; we demand justice!


It begins with Cody Roberts in jail for a long time and the loss of life of being able to hunt, trap, or fish in the United States. That is the message that will make others think twice and make clear you will lose. The message must also come from Washington, following the election, that wolves will never be managed by these three states of hate again.


They must be relisted the day after the election.

In Memorial


Bold Visions Conservation is heartbroken at the news of Lynne Stone's passing. Lynne was, in the words of so many, "the real deal" when it came to fighting for wolves in Idaho. She would go alone with a pack and a shotgun to protect the wolves she loved. She was assaulted by wolf haters and led the fight to protect the Boulder-White Clouds. I spoke with Lynne two years ago and asked her to help me with wolf work in Idaho; she said, "Steve, my health has been affected by my fight for wolves and the broken heart I have felt at times dealing with ignorance." I understood. Lynne was rare; she was a warrior and so loved the wolves that she risked her own life. Rest in Peace, Lynne, you were magnificent! 


We will take the fight from here.

Guest Writer Trisha M. Cook writes from wolf country near Twisp, Washington in the company of two big dogs, a lazy cat, and surrounded by wild forest flora and fauna.

Cody Roberts of Daniel, Wyoming, killed a wolf. The wolf was a young female, less than a year old. She was not killing livestock nor threatening children. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time when Roberts intentionally ran her over with his snowmachine. She was incapacitated with broken bones and internal injuries when Roberts duct taped her muzzle closed, turning his hunting dogs on her.


Roberts was drunk at the time. And while there is obviously something wrong with him, this is not the entire story.


Roberts flopped the battered wolf onto his snowmachine, hauling her to his home in Daniel, Wyoming. He held her captive, alive but dying, in his mudroom. Images have been circulated by the press and on social media: Roberts kneeling in his mudroom, a beer in one hand, his other arm around the broken wolf propped against his side. Roberts grinning at the photographer.

The next day, Roberts dragged the abused wolf to a local watering hole, the Green River Bar on US-189. He paraded her around, he taunted and tortured, grabbed at her, forcing her lips into a sad smile and kissed her muzzle. She didn’t even try to bite. This went on for hours, and nobody called the authorities or did anything to stop the abuse.


Healthy, uninjured young wolves are known to be submissive in nature. In her condition, she was not a threat to Roberts, his dogs, or the patrons who were there drinking, laughing, and taunting the wolf, egging Roberts on.


Roberts later dragged the wolf behind the bar and shot her dead. Per Wyoming Game and Fish, Roberts was merely charged with possessing a live wolf. He paid the meager $250.00 fine. In certain zones, it is perfectly legal in Wyoming to chase down and run over wolves and other predators with snow machines.


There is something wrong with Wyoming Game and Fish.


Roberts was reportedly drunk while in the bar and drunk the previous day while out on his snow machine. I posit Roberts has a drinking problem and may harbor psychopathic tendencies. Yet, Robert’s family and friends have come out in his defense saying, he’s a really nice guy, the nicest, he was just drunk…

Governor Mark Gordon

State Capitol Building, room 124

Cheyanne, Wyoming 82002




Dear Governor Gordon,


I am writing you today on behalf of the more than 5000 members of Bold Visions Conservation to make clear that we demand jailtime and serious prosecution of Cody Roberts for the torture of the yearling wolf. In addition, we feel strongly that Child Protective Services should inspect his home and that the patrons at the bar who participated in the torture of the wolf, be prosecuted.


But let’s begin with reality, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission is nothing but a disgrace. They live to kill predators, support trophy hunters and give trappers the chance to torture at will. They bear responsibility for the carnage that just took place. Wyoming, like Idaho and Montana continue to support livestock interests that abuse our public lands, they lobby to kill all life on these public lands, and do so with the support of your radical and out of touch legislature.


Wildlife is perhaps your states most important treasure, yet it is treated without respect; it is hunted non-stop, trapped and even allowed to be killed by snowmobiles. That is not sport, it is slob recreation.


What you are making clear is that your state like Idaho and Montana are not equipped to manage predator species. I look to federal officials to relist wolves and never delist grizzlies following this upcoming election and we will do all in our power to make that a reality.


I am also committed to a campaign to stop people from traveling to your state. We will work to educate people that your state supports the slaughter of wolves and other vital wildlife. Thus they should avoid visitation.


The continued misinformation on wolves and grizzlies in your state allow the uneducated and incurious to continue a campaign of terror on wildlife and it seems clear you and other elected officials will continue to turn your back on these vital creatures and the National Park that is crucial to your state’s economy. Your kill zones around it are yet another way for people to destroy all that is wild, without concern or consideration to what they are destroying.


It is long past time for corrective measures and we hope this situation will lead to real reform of your Commission, agency and the laws that allowed this piece of human garbage to kill and torture an innocent yearling wolf.


With real anger and frustration,


Stephen Capra

Executive Director

Bold Visions Conservation

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Bold Visions Conservation
PO Box 941
Bozeman, MT 59771​
Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit
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