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A Monumental Goal for Wildlife

One question frequently posed to us is, “How can we move forward and make real progress on protecting wolves and other predators?” We know specific facts, and the Game and Fish commissions of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming are in no mood to change. The Republican-controlled legislatures and Governors remain stuck in the 1880s, beholden to livestock interests, trappers, and rural rage.


In such an atmosphere, we continue to move forward with an ambitious plan to protect 1.6 million acres of Forest Service lands in Idaho and Montana by creating a new National Monument for wildlife.


We now enjoy the support of many of the Tribes of Idaho and Montana. We just hired their lead lobbyist in Washington, Tom Rodgers, to educate lawmakers in D.C. and have crucial meetings with Secretary Deb Haaland and the Monument gatekeeper, John Podesta, former Chief of Staff in the Clinton Administration. The Tribes have asked for co-management of these lands, and their support will be crucial to the success of this Monument proposal. Several wilderness areas we worked to protect in New Mexico enjoy co-management with Tribes.

Remember, Monuments are created by the President using the Antiquities Act; our goal is to present this concept of a Monument for wildlife to protect wolves, grizzlies, and other predator species and protect the one area around Yellowstone that lacks crucial protection. Such protection would be an enormous victory and start the actual process of a change in the thinking of those dedicated to killing wildlife for trophy or trapping to enjoy their sadistic urges. In the Monument, hunting deer and elk would continue. Still, we aim to create a safe space for predators and other wildlife needing room to roam and the safety it would allow.  Sportsmen will be influential in this designation. But as you can bet, it will not be easy.


Our job is to present this to diverse audiences in both states, answer the many questions people may have, and garner the most positive press we can. If you know a group or a community you can suggest, please call or email me.


Yellowstone is iconic for most Americans, and visiting it is a rite of passage for most young families. But wildlife needs far more land than the park currently can protect. Efforts to protect parts of the Gallatin range as wilderness have failed, though we support such efforts. The creation of a Monument would open the door for more wilderness.

Many Monuments are created for Antiquities or to protect lands, and wildlife is generally put on the back burner, except for Ocean Monuments. This area remains a critical wildlife corridor, so its protection is vital for species to make their way north and south. It is also an essential space for bison and other endangered species.


But the opposition is beginning; the local paper in Island Park, Idaho, recently railed against this proposal and made clear their feelings would be telegraphed to Boise. So, your voice will be important in letters to the editor and op-eds that speak to the need to protect this magnificent landscape and to make clear this is a Monument for Wildlife!


The other important aspect of this Monument is the opportunity to restore lands where old logging roads exist and where erosion has impacted streams. This will create jobs and rewild areas, creating far better wildlife habitats.


We have all witnessed the deranged thinking of our Game and Fish Departments and how our Governors cater to livestock interests heavily subsidized by the federal government. But we must do something paramount for wildlife and, in its own way, stop the bleeding and create a space for victory. Otherwise, we will continue to bear too much heartache. We need to smile again!


Bold Visions will continue fighting to end trapping and fight for wolves and grizzlies. Still, it is time to move forward to give wildlife something meaningful. That is the goal of this 1.6-million-acre Monument. They have space to thrive!


This is hard work and expensive, but we can succeed with luck and strong support from people like you. Please consider donating today, and if you can volunteer, please call me. We are early in the game, but working with a strong team. Let’s work to protect a landscape where the howl of the wolf continues to be magic, with the understanding that they would finally be safe beyond the boundaries of Yellowstone.

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1 Comment

Unknown member
May 08, 2024

Fantastic idea!!!!!


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Bold Visions Conservation
PO Box 941
Bozeman, MT 59771​
Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit
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