Recently, the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission voted to allow the killing of more than 40 percent of mountain lions in Montana. Again, this decision was reached with little science and was driven by Commissioner Pat Tabor. Tabor remains perhaps our state’s worst commissioner. Time and time again, Tabor pushes an agenda to enrich himself and his son.
Tabor effectively sets agendas and bullies others on the commission to support his radical agenda. It is important to understand that Tabor was once a Safari Club President in Montana, and was an international accountant. Once in Montana, he opened an outfitting business. He ignored many of the rules of outfitting, throwing trash into Forest Service lands, threatening people who hiked along some of the trails and leaving camps trashed, with trees cut.
The Forest Service went after Tabor and he soon gave the business to his son, but it remains an open question if he is still personally profiting from the enterprise.
Tabor has voted to kill wolves repeatedly; he has an old-school mentality that predators are all wrong and that he wants to see Montana as a deer and elk farm. Governor Gianforte appointed Tabor and now the time has come for Tabor to be removed from the commission.
Please take a moment to sign our petition and write to the Governor and make clear the commission’s job is to help, not slaughter wildlife, and that Tabor must be removed. This commission acts as the right arm of trappers and trophy hunters, but Tabor pushes the agenda with zeal. It's time that the citizens of Montana demand more. Pat Tabor must be removed from the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission.
We cannot allow the slaughter of innocent predators to continue. It is time to bring the Montana Game Commission into the 21st century. It starts with his removal: Please sign our petition and write the Governor Now!