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Our Letter to Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon

Governor Mark Gordon

State Capitol Building, room 124

Cheyanne, Wyoming 82002




Dear Governor Gordon,


I am writing you today on behalf of the more than 5000 members of Bold Visions Conservation to make clear that we demand jailtime and serious prosecution of Cody Roberts for the torture of the yearling wolf. In addition, we feel strongly that Child Protective Services should inspect his home and that the patrons at the bar who participated in the torture of the wolf, be prosecuted.


But let’s begin with reality, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission is nothing but a disgrace. They live to kill predators, support trophy hunters and give trappers the chance to torture at will. They bear responsibility for the carnage that just took place. Wyoming, like Idaho and Montana continue to support livestock interests that abuse our public lands, they lobby to kill all life on these public lands, and do so with the support of your radical and out of touch legislature.


Wildlife is perhaps your states most important treasure, yet it is treated without respect; it is hunted non-stop, trapped and even allowed to be killed by snowmobiles. That is not sport, it is slob recreation.


What you are making clear is that your state like Idaho and Montana are not equipped to manage predator species. I look to federal officials to relist wolves and never delist grizzlies following this upcoming election and we will do all in our power to make that a reality.


I am also committed to a campaign to stop people from traveling to your state. We will work to educate people that your state supports the slaughter of wolves and other vital wildlife. Thus they should avoid visitation.


The continued misinformation on wolves and grizzlies in your state allow the uneducated and incurious to continue a campaign of terror on wildlife and it seems clear you and other elected officials will continue to turn your back on these vital creatures and the National Park that is crucial to your state’s economy. Your kill zones around it are yet another way for people to destroy all that is wild, without concern or consideration to what they are destroying.


It is long past time for corrective measures and we hope this situation will lead to real reform of your Commission, agency and the laws that allowed this piece of human garbage to kill and torture an innocent yearling wolf.


With real anger and frustration,


Stephen Capra

Executive Director

Bold Visions Conservation


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